Friday, December 25, 2009

A Christmas Walk

The sun set a glow
The silent morning town
No clouds in the sky
Yet thick frost on the ground

As I walked along
Enjoying the view
Perplexed by the silence
That here no one knew

Once busy roads
Now stilled with peace
Families inside enjoying
Presents and treats

What a Merry Christmas
As I walked by the road
Back to my family,
My safe, warm abode.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Come back to me
You plead
I know you are sincere
And it hurts to say
I won't
The words that you feared.

The silence was
Too much
Not knowing what to say
And oh the miles
In between
That keep us far away

When I said 'I love you'
I meant it
And tried to show it everyday.
Maybe for reasons that
Are selfish
It felt half the time in vain

There were moments
That made
My day shine so bright
Like when you called to say
'Good morning!'
'I love you,' and 'Goodnight'

And don't forget that song
I wrote
For it truly was for you
With words and music
All together
Inspired all by you

But now our paths
Have ended
Yet you linger after me
My heart tells me
To look back
But I can't, that feeling's faded

A broken heart
I have
I can no longer make you happy
So hate me
If you must
But keep along your journey

Please continue to
Walk on
Cuz broken you are not
Maybe broken just
But someone will fix you up

I'm sorry that
You hurt
And that my love has fade
May the next one
Who comes along
Fix the mess I've made.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Don't Go

You are driving me crazy
My head is spinning
When I'm in your arms
You are simply amazing
How is it I've
Lived without you so long

We dance into the night
Our hearts beating
To the rhythm of love
This feeling feels so right
With you in my arms
We are so in love

Then you whisper a phrase
That sends a chill
I fear this will all fly away

Please, don't go
I need you now
I'm into deep
If you pull out
I'm going to break
Please, don't go
Cuz in my world
You are my sun
I never knew love
Could be so fun
So please, please
I love you
And don't want to see you go.

I want to breathe you in
And keep you in
My heart forever
My world is changin'
From dreams to life
It's getting better and better

The way you hold my hand
And hold me tight
With kisses unending
Spin me around again
Let Earth and sky collide
As you let me fly

So many happy days
That send a chill
I fear this will all fly away.

Please, don't go
I need you now
I'm into deep
If you pull out
I'm going to break
Please, don't go
Cuz in my world
You are my sun
I never knew love
Could be so fun
So please, please
I love you

And don't want to see you go.

Please, don't go
Please stay with me
What is life without you
I hope you feel the same

Please, don't go
I need you now
I'm into deep
If you pull out
I'm going to break
Please, don't go
Cuz in my world
You are my sun
I never knew love
Could be so fun
So please, please
I love you

And don't want to see you go.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Fresh Start

Move on
Move on

That treasure's gone
And you don't care
Don't pretend to care

With it you became
Someone you hate
And now it's gone

Move on
Move on

My heart says I
Should miss you
But my head brings reasons
Into view

I can't look back
I'll never turn back

Move on
Move on

Back at the start
Stop with the tears
For they are fake tears

My beating heart
Today's a new day
Today's a fresh start.

Move on
Move on

My heart says I
Should miss you
But my head brings reasons

Into view
I can't look back
I'll never turn back

Move on
Move on

Lady Meriam

Is it short for somthing?"


It is nice."

Oh the smile that
Stretches across my face.

I've grown to love Meri.
In the fact that
When thinking about me
It's M E R I
Not M A R Y

I am unique
In spelling
And person.
But Meriam...
So old fashioned.

Though Lady Meriam
Sounds so proper
As me and my friend
Play with each other
Making the other sound superior.

It is nice.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dance Me To Love

Everyone is in a dance.
No one knows all the steps.
When two come together
They look and feel
For the Rhythm they both share.

The foot work is a mystery.
And only the right two will know.
Where foot and music combine
Into something, leaving them
Breathless and wanting more.

The music never stops.
The twists and turns are endless.
Grace and seductiveness
Is found behind
New and daring steps.

Toes will get stepped on.
In moments without thought.
But try to keep
Moving on
So you don't miss a beat.

The world becomes a blur.
There is you and your one.
All smiles
With eyes locked
Dancing to Love.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I'm falling apart
When I'm alone
A common event it seems
The air grows thick
As I try to breathe
Splitting at the seems

In laughter? No.
Though I wish it were
For those tears taste much sweeter
Than the angry salt
Of despair
Killing hope and feeding fear.

What's wrong with me
Am I broken?
Doing things that hurt me later.
Yes it's fun
But in the moment
Then she says, "God, I hate her"

She's the good one
Who tries to guide me
Though I seem to let her down
So alone I feel
In my room
And no one makes a sound

Yet, it is she
Who comforts me
Though I've betrayed her many
To restore some hope
And wipe the tears
Until she can't see any

But she's not enough
That I know
All she can do is watch
And that is why
I love Him
Cuz He is my patch

When life gets hazy,
My mind a mess
He hugs and hold me tight.
He wipes my tears
And kiss my cheeks
Promising all will be alright.

Maybe not today
Or tomorrow
But someday guaranteed
We can forgive
And might forget
What once seemed a tragedy

So in His arms
I am whole
And can feel His love unfold
Through the storm
May we stand strong
And never let each other go.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Enjoy the Poem

Just hug me and hold me
Love me for me
Don't forget me
Don't leave me
Please just stay with me

I was invisible
But you found me
You care
You love
You make me happy

I'm lucky to have you
To know you
To hug you
To Love you
Please don't ever go.

Once invisible
Now people can see me
Who care
Who love
But only you make me happy

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Beautiful Turquoise

I get lost in her turquoise eyes.
A beauty that glows against the fire.
A gem that through strife is revealed.
The water makes gleam
What was dull and blue.
I find them beautiful
Though she hurts.
Turquoise, beauty amidst the ugly
That she feels.
Beauty in which happiness is reminded.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Oh What a Beautiful Morning!

So today, well this morning really, has been probably one of the best I can think of. First Waking up to the sound of chirping birds (both real and artificial). Though I was tired, it was a real treat to hear chirping birds early in the morning. I think the birds around my home are just quiet in the morning.

Then I drive home from my friends house and I get to enjoy the scenary of the hillside and mountains with the sun's glow resting upon them. Even though the port of Tacoma is normally dull and unexciting to look at, this morning it just seemed beautiful.

And the final thing to top if off was to sit in the Starbucks drive through for a good 10 or 20 minutes waiting to get my order and pay. Once I got to the window, the lady handed me my drink and I'm handing over my money, but she informs me that the car in front of me paid for my order. "Really?" Was all I can say. I was super surprised and now have a dieing urge to figure out who did that.

Yet as I finished my drive home it was nice to know that people can still be kind. Sometimes I wonder if I am too self absorbed or unaware of people in general to the point where I only think I'm a good kind and loving person. I suppose when you recieve kindness from a stranger at any given point in your life there's inspiration to evalutate your situation and relationships with those you do and don't know. Why not surprise the person behind by paying for their coffee (or hot cocoa in my case) or ask if someone who looks really burdened with bags if they could use an extra hand. Heck, even letting the person with one item, who might have all the time in the world, cut in front of you at the check out stand. Just simple things that I think I ought to be able to do as often as the situation arises, but maybe I don't look for them as hard as I ought.

Anywho. I just thought I'd note this wonderful morning.