Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I'm falling apart
When I'm alone
A common event it seems
The air grows thick
As I try to breathe
Splitting at the seems

In laughter? No.
Though I wish it were
For those tears taste much sweeter
Than the angry salt
Of despair
Killing hope and feeding fear.

What's wrong with me
Am I broken?
Doing things that hurt me later.
Yes it's fun
But in the moment
Then she says, "God, I hate her"

She's the good one
Who tries to guide me
Though I seem to let her down
So alone I feel
In my room
And no one makes a sound

Yet, it is she
Who comforts me
Though I've betrayed her many
To restore some hope
And wipe the tears
Until she can't see any

But she's not enough
That I know
All she can do is watch
And that is why
I love Him
Cuz He is my patch

When life gets hazy,
My mind a mess
He hugs and hold me tight.
He wipes my tears
And kiss my cheeks
Promising all will be alright.

Maybe not today
Or tomorrow
But someday guaranteed
We can forgive
And might forget
What once seemed a tragedy

So in His arms
I am whole
And can feel His love unfold
Through the storm
May we stand strong
And never let each other go.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Enjoy the Poem

Just hug me and hold me
Love me for me
Don't forget me
Don't leave me
Please just stay with me

I was invisible
But you found me
You care
You love
You make me happy

I'm lucky to have you
To know you
To hug you
To Love you
Please don't ever go.

Once invisible
Now people can see me
Who care
Who love
But only you make me happy