Friday, August 6, 2010

Paranormal Activity Dream/Nightmare

This dream was pretty intense. It also was another dream within a dream, but not as dramatic as the one I posted last week (I'm starting to wonder if Inception is real). The dream started off with me and my best friend Amilyn (who was also a mix of my other friend Jessica) hanging out and I knew she was having a problem with a poltergeist. I started mouthing off, not taking the situation seriously and in the back of my head I'm thinking, hmmm, this probably isn't a good idea. Yet somehow the seriousness of the proltergeist was lost.

Next thing I know is I'm at a restaurant, like Wendy's, and I'm putting a birthday card into Amilyn's hand. I'm pointing out weird things about it. For one, it wasn't from any of her friends. Two, with it clearing writing on it, "I love you Amilyn," there was a note that wasn't there before saying, "I'll get you Meri." And for some reason in my dream it was important to note that the name Zach was written on the card too in very small, almost illegible, handwriting. But the threat to me magnified the realness of this poltergeist.

Then I was back at Amilyn's house with her and once more antagonizing the demon. I was trying to play the, "as long as I don't get scared by it, it can't harm me," idea which went very bad. I could feel the terror rise in my chest and feel my balance get shifty. Suddenly I was terrified realizing I probably pissed the poltergeist off. Suddenly I was being dragged to the other side of the room. I remembered one thing my mother taught me was that I could command evil spirits to leave me alone in the name of Jesus Christ. However, when I tried to yell those words my voice wouldn't work. I could gasp for air but my voice failed me. It was like the words couldn't even escape my mouth. Like trying to run in a dream but your legs are in super slow motion.

Thankfully my body decided to wake up. However I really hadn't. I was still having a bizarre dream in which I was walking around Pike Place and playing around a swing set and having difficulties getting a turn to use the restroom. I can't really place where or what those things had to do with the main part I remembered.

I had gone down stairs into my kitchen still feeling a tad odd about my dream. As I was in there, I was cooking and soon realized something wasn't right. I would put stuff in the sink and when I would turn back to put something else in there, it was gone. I figured the demon saw me antagonizing it in my dream but this time I was prepared to yell before it could stop my voice. In the biggest voice I could muster, I commanded the evil being to leave me in the name of Jesus Christ. I could feel the anger around me as I said those words with as much confidence as I could. I closed my eyes to keep my confidence, afraid I would see something that would weaken my faith, and loudly stated again. The tension in the air increased and I yelled the statement once more. My head was growing dizzy and when I finally opened my eyes, the cabinet doors were all open and the drawers all pulled out. In my dizziness it all looked like the kitchen was about to cave into me.

I quickly got out of the house and found my mom to fill her in on what was happening, hoping she'd be able to fix it. I had also told Amilyn that I had taken her problem... probably... So with this problem of mine, I ended up being at some house that had a frozen pond next to it. I was playing around by it with one of the boys I babysit. My mum comes out and yells to me to stay away from water. I quickly get to my feet and ran away. I looked back at the pond and could see a weird movement coming from the water. I could see the ice thinning and the little boy still playing around by it. I ran back to the pond to grab the boy but as I got closer I could see a bluish, white figure emerge from the middle of the pond and look at me with a look of happy revenge. The demon was bald and had black eyes. It was much quicker than me too. Right as I got to the pond edge, the demon had snatched the boy and disappeared into the pond with him. I swam in after it and was able to get the frantic boy from the demon with little trouble.

I swam back and got out of the pond with the distraught boy and got him to the safety of the house. When I looked back, the demon was coming out of the water and had the look in his eyes that he was gonna kill me. Next thing I remember other than trying to keep away was stabbing the demon with an icicle. It was odd though. The demon just looked at me and took the icicle and continued to cut and stab himself with it.

Then the lovely blaring of my alarm woke me up before I could see if I truly defeated my demon. It was a relief though to realize I didn't have a demon trying to torment me. As scared as I was in my dream it was kinda fun too being able to finally defend myself from the evil that was after me.

(The bold paragraph is there because when I later reread this post I was a bit weirded out when thinking about the recent Paranormal Activity movie at the time [which was Paranormal Activity 2]. I had this dream before that movie and the fact in the 2nd movie they had a seen where all the cabnets, drawers, and doors in the kitchen exploded open.)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Crashed and Bruised Dream

And I'm sure no one will read this, but some how being able to write it out seems to vent my thuoghts and feelings.

Had a dream that I was driving through Seattle and being incredibly reckless. Driving way too fast for the amount of cars on the road and not stopping completely before swerving out into the middle the road as I took right turns. Well on the second time I turned a corner too fast without fully stopping, sure enough the car behind me couldn't stop in time before rear ending me. But we were on a hill, so we kept sliding down to the next car. I could feel more impact from the cars behind the first that hit me, stacking up and could see 2 more cars in front of the one I just rear ended get added to the pile up.

Once all the crashing stopped I lay still not sure if I should move. My window shield had been busted and my whole head hurt. From the looks of what I saw in the rear view mirror was the right side of my face had a wicked bruise. It was rectangular and went from the top of my cheek bone and down my neck. I figured it to be the seat belt as it rubbed against me when I was crashing. On the left side I had all these cuts from the glass that also looked like a big burn mark, like my face got rubbed along the pavement. That went from the side of me eye brow to just below my jaw. (Oddly enough when I looked at myself in the rear view mirror this morning I relized how backward the wounds were. My left side of my face should hav had the bruise while my right side of my face should have been cut up.)

When I finally decided to get out of the car, knowing in movies you can't be too sure as to if your car is gonna blow up, and to get help for myself and to see who else was involved. Of course my legs weren't working normally, due to all the shaking they were doing. I felt so dumb to have been in such a reckless hurry. Yet the only other person I saw effected by the crash I just experienced was my sister in law. She was pretty stressed out and I wasn't able to hug her in attempts to comfort her.

It then hit hard that I was now without a car. My one car. I was home now and could feel the burden I created with my family by not having a car any more. I need one to drive those boys around and can't use the ones my parents have. I knew I was screwed. On top of that, I had to go to the boys house that I babysit at that moment. Luckily Steven was over at the time to help me with that. But that was just for a drop off.

As Steven took me over I saw myself in the mirror again and could only assume a day or two had past already. My wounds were looking a little better. The bruise was lighter and the cuts were scabbed. I was a little surprised no one was asking if I was okay.

Once at the boys house I found the home to be very dark. Like there was only a candle glow. After being there for a little while I was surprised to see my parents came to pick me up. They had a gray car that looked a lot like my car. It was undecided whether it was truly my car and my parents got it fixed or if it was a brand new car. Either way I felt horrible that they would go out and do such a thing for me when I was reckless in the first place.

The following days my relatives came over and day by day my wounds healed. I think that was the most interesting part of the dream. Seeing time go by and my slowly heal. It was a long dream too. When I woke up my track of time and days was a little fuzzy. I almost thought I truly was carless and hurt. But thankfully it was a dream and I am not dependent on rides or stranded. All I can get from it right now is to drive carefully, not to be in such a hurry that I'm going to endanger myself and those around me. And I'm sure the loss of my car has something to do with my recent loss of my lap top :(