Monday, March 26, 2012
Blue Dragon
One of my first creations on the Bamboo tablet I got. The Bamboo tablet lets me draw on the computer. It's pretty awesome :) And this so far has been my best work on the tablet. Click on the picture to make it larger :)
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Hunger Games and A Happy Reunion
The week went by... kinda slow yet really fast. It seems so long ago that I was doing my visiting teaching (which was Monday). The work week was great with it's highs and a low. I really love the teacher I get to work with a lot and can only hope that my shift will one day change so I can solely be in her room and not so broken up through out the daycare.
Wednesday after I had my meeting with the Bishop, Steven and I saw the check engine light come on. Steven fear that the car was gonna die the next time we used it and also assumed it to be the lack of an good oil change to be the cause of it. So I took the bus to work the last two days. It was quite the experience. I have to walk up a hill for a mile to work. It wasn't so back. I made sure to pack my lunch and entertainment so I wouldn't be bored during my 4 hour lunch break. Then I'd walk the mile down hill to go home.
Friday though was my work out! I had my Chiro appointment at noon. So I got to go up the hill twice ^_^ Let alone it was a beautiful morning and day, making the walk even more amazing. I also got to chase kids around at the park as we played tag. I was so tired and couldn't wait to see the Hunger Games with Jessica and Adam. Of course of all days that you want to make sure you got out on time, all the kids seemed to leave in just the right intervals that I couldn't get a moment to clean. Finally at 5:50 I was able to start sweeping (which I like having done 10 minutes prior) but still had a lot of other minor things to do before I could vacuum and mop. Lucky me though, my other co worker was also running behind and in the moments she was free she helped me finish cleaning AND gave me a ride home. It was super kind of her.
Steven too was having a later day and literally ran home. Once he arrived we zipped out to Jessica's car since she was ever so kind in giving us a ride to the movies. For those who've seen the Hunger Games, I'd say it was quite decent. I probably won't see it again, but the movie seemed to lack details in which now has me wanting to read the story to see what more depth there is to it. I will say my favorite parts were the futuristic city in all it's flamboyancy and Stanley Tucci's great acting as the Hunger Game host.
Then it was the glorious and much look forward to Saturday. I love sleeping in and just taking my time doing my things. Steven went to dink on the car and found the anti freeze was way low and thinks that could possibly have been why the engine light came on. While he did that I got prepared to meet up with an old friend. I had tried ridding this friend from my life thinking she was not a good part of my life any more, but I kept having dreams about her that left me with the sense that I still needed to be her friend. And honestly, I do. When I reflect upon the crazy years we've been apart, a lot of what turned me off from her were was some bad choices and the people it seemed she was hanging out with. However, knowing who she is, I know she was a good person and like everyone of us is doing what they think is right.
We had chatted for about 2 weeks now and from what I gathered she was more clear minded now, smarter, and was pursuing a career as a dental assistant.
Our get together went very well. Any old resentment we might have had toward the other wasn't a thought on our minds. It was like being back in high school as we talked. Being able to laugh and share what was on our mind. Almost as though the time apart and though we knew we both did some crazy stuff, we were now back to where we left off. Like I briefly said, we did some crazy stuff apart and both of us on our own got our heads all straitened out and our life/goals back into view.
I have a feeling those old promises we made will be fulfilled now, of how we'll be friends forever.
Talk to you all next week <3
Wednesday after I had my meeting with the Bishop, Steven and I saw the check engine light come on. Steven fear that the car was gonna die the next time we used it and also assumed it to be the lack of an good oil change to be the cause of it. So I took the bus to work the last two days. It was quite the experience. I have to walk up a hill for a mile to work. It wasn't so back. I made sure to pack my lunch and entertainment so I wouldn't be bored during my 4 hour lunch break. Then I'd walk the mile down hill to go home.
Friday though was my work out! I had my Chiro appointment at noon. So I got to go up the hill twice ^_^ Let alone it was a beautiful morning and day, making the walk even more amazing. I also got to chase kids around at the park as we played tag. I was so tired and couldn't wait to see the Hunger Games with Jessica and Adam. Of course of all days that you want to make sure you got out on time, all the kids seemed to leave in just the right intervals that I couldn't get a moment to clean. Finally at 5:50 I was able to start sweeping (which I like having done 10 minutes prior) but still had a lot of other minor things to do before I could vacuum and mop. Lucky me though, my other co worker was also running behind and in the moments she was free she helped me finish cleaning AND gave me a ride home. It was super kind of her.
Steven too was having a later day and literally ran home. Once he arrived we zipped out to Jessica's car since she was ever so kind in giving us a ride to the movies. For those who've seen the Hunger Games, I'd say it was quite decent. I probably won't see it again, but the movie seemed to lack details in which now has me wanting to read the story to see what more depth there is to it. I will say my favorite parts were the futuristic city in all it's flamboyancy and Stanley Tucci's great acting as the Hunger Game host.
Then it was the glorious and much look forward to Saturday. I love sleeping in and just taking my time doing my things. Steven went to dink on the car and found the anti freeze was way low and thinks that could possibly have been why the engine light came on. While he did that I got prepared to meet up with an old friend. I had tried ridding this friend from my life thinking she was not a good part of my life any more, but I kept having dreams about her that left me with the sense that I still needed to be her friend. And honestly, I do. When I reflect upon the crazy years we've been apart, a lot of what turned me off from her were was some bad choices and the people it seemed she was hanging out with. However, knowing who she is, I know she was a good person and like everyone of us is doing what they think is right.
We had chatted for about 2 weeks now and from what I gathered she was more clear minded now, smarter, and was pursuing a career as a dental assistant.
Our get together went very well. Any old resentment we might have had toward the other wasn't a thought on our minds. It was like being back in high school as we talked. Being able to laugh and share what was on our mind. Almost as though the time apart and though we knew we both did some crazy stuff, we were now back to where we left off. Like I briefly said, we did some crazy stuff apart and both of us on our own got our heads all straitened out and our life/goals back into view.
I have a feeling those old promises we made will be fulfilled now, of how we'll be friends forever.
Talk to you all next week <3
Saturday, March 24, 2012
A Forgotten Sketch
Often I look back through my old sketches in my art books and come across pictures that make me think, "I drew that!?" I just had one of those moments as I continue to organize my art work I've moved from one computer to another. I cannot recall drawing this, but for what I can only assume was a quick sketch, this has me wondering why I stopped. I love the eyes the most. I feel the face as a whole was set very well for the little time and effort I put into it.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Crazy Weather
Kinda glad something exciting happened this week since nothing new happened here on mine and Steven's part. The weather was a bit crazy! Tuesday morning I had woken up to go to work and in the process decided I would make breakfast in the 20 minutes I had left. Well breakfast was taking longer than I had thought it would and was leaving 15 minutes before I had to be at work instead of the usual 20 minutes. As my luck would have it, I also had half an inch of snow on my car! Yay! Made it to work right on time, but still was a stressful start to the morning.
Then the rest of Tuesday it continued to snow super heavy, but then it'd stop. Then the sun came out around noon and then it snowed heavily again. Then the sun began to come back with blue skies... but it was still snowing!
It made for an exciting day with the kids (which is always good).
That same day I did make Chicken Masala Curry and completely forgot to take a picture! I'm making it again tonight for the missionaries, so be sure to check back if you'd like to see how it looks!
It snowed some more Wednesday, but only in the morning. Then Thursday it rained like crazy! It rained really hard off and on. I felt bad for the kids because when it's raining lightly, they can still go out and play if they have a good jacket, but no. It was under the covered area or stay inside.
Friday was pretty normal. It rained a little and got somewhat sunny. That night Steven and I got to go to Jessica's house for game night. She made some apple pie while coincidentally Steven brought along 3 pies, 2 pecan and one pumpkin. It was a nice change up since they usually are the ones coming over to our place. Fridays probably are the best for game nights anyways since Steven and I don't have to get up the next morning so early and lets the games be more leisurely than stuck to a schedule.
Saturday I got up and went to the couch to watch a TV show on the computer. As I was watching and browsing Facebook I read a status that said it was snowing. I looked out the blinds in the front room and sure enough it was! It was kinda crazy to have had 3 days of off and on snow. But like Wednesday, the snow was only in the morning.
It was blue skies and sunshine by late afternoon and Steven and I were gonna take advantage of that, but instead we got distracted by my family, laundry, and games.
Kinda of a quick weak and the weather was the highlight of it. I do wish the weekends were longer, but alas the paycheck is so much better. Hope everyone is doing well! Till next week :)
Then the rest of Tuesday it continued to snow super heavy, but then it'd stop. Then the sun came out around noon and then it snowed heavily again. Then the sun began to come back with blue skies... but it was still snowing!
It made for an exciting day with the kids (which is always good).
That same day I did make Chicken Masala Curry and completely forgot to take a picture! I'm making it again tonight for the missionaries, so be sure to check back if you'd like to see how it looks!
It snowed some more Wednesday, but only in the morning. Then Thursday it rained like crazy! It rained really hard off and on. I felt bad for the kids because when it's raining lightly, they can still go out and play if they have a good jacket, but no. It was under the covered area or stay inside.
Friday was pretty normal. It rained a little and got somewhat sunny. That night Steven and I got to go to Jessica's house for game night. She made some apple pie while coincidentally Steven brought along 3 pies, 2 pecan and one pumpkin. It was a nice change up since they usually are the ones coming over to our place. Fridays probably are the best for game nights anyways since Steven and I don't have to get up the next morning so early and lets the games be more leisurely than stuck to a schedule.
Saturday I got up and went to the couch to watch a TV show on the computer. As I was watching and browsing Facebook I read a status that said it was snowing. I looked out the blinds in the front room and sure enough it was! It was kinda crazy to have had 3 days of off and on snow. But like Wednesday, the snow was only in the morning.
It was blue skies and sunshine by late afternoon and Steven and I were gonna take advantage of that, but instead we got distracted by my family, laundry, and games.
Kinda of a quick weak and the weather was the highlight of it. I do wish the weekends were longer, but alas the paycheck is so much better. Hope everyone is doing well! Till next week :)
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Evolution of the Faceless Angel
Began this piece in high school.
I then scanned it and had fun coloring it.
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Still had some touch up to do XD |
Steven was ever encouraging that I should work on making back grounds for my art... so I gave it a try.
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Tried going for a stained glass look. |
I felt the picture was too busy for the eye. So I went for one final try and decided I liked my final product.
I don't know why I chose not to give her a face, it just happened and I liked how she looked. The hair unfortunately came out a bit awkward (my bad) and some day I may get around to editing it out. For the most part I believe this is one of my drawing I was just having fun drawing the body and trying out different angles.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Colored Horse
This was me just messing around wit colors. I sorta inked it in, but as you can see, gave up on that real quick.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Boys Will Be Boys
I had an interesting week. Tuesday and Wednesday was picture day at work. This was new to me and it turns out that they do the pictures in the Pre-Kindergarten room (which is the one I work in primarily in the morning). So we had to put those kids in other classrooms which add to the chaos that was already going on. But thankfully picture day wasn't an all day event. Just the first half of the morning until lunch. And we did get to take the Pre-K class to the School Age center across the street.
Later Tuesday night I was closing Preschool 2's class. Suddenly in walks one of the Pre-K kids and she's one of those kids who doesn't really listen well or follow rules much. She can be sweet no doubt! And she wants to be helpful, but suddenly she'll go from good to bad. I don't know why and I do my best to be patient and loving with her. Well when I see her walk in the room I use a firm voice and ask her, "Why are you in here?" She replies by saying she' looking for her doll. I not having been in the room most of the day, and since I work with her and haven't seen her with a doll assumed she was being silly and possibly walking out of her room with our my co-worker knowing her where abouts. So I sent her back.
30 minutes later the same girl walks right back into my room. Again I see she's alone and a little more exasperated (yet trying to maintain a firm voice) I ask again why she was in my room. I then get the answer from the hall outside my door, "Because her mother sent her in there to find her doll!" I was stunned at the fierceness of the woman tone. It took me by surprise, then I wondered if I raised my voice too much or if I did sound mean to her daughter. Whatever it was all I can say is I need to keep my tone in check. I wish I had thought of it then and explained to the mother that it was the second time that her daughter had entered the class I was in and I had no way of knowing if the teacher knew where she was (let alone if her mother was with her). But I didn't say that. I just apologized and helped look for the doll which turned out to be in one of the children's cubbies.
Later a co-worker asks what happened and I said exactly what I said and heard and admitted that I probably was a little more harsher sounding than I meant to be. Apparently the woman said I was being really rude. All I can say is whatever. I don't want to offend people, but I do have to consider that this woman doesn't know my position at the day care. I assume she might have thought I was the lead teacher in the preschool class and that maybe I was hiding the doll, let alone that my tone with her daughter was inappropriate. I for one am making sure my tone with the kids are more patient. I don't want to have another moment when a parent walks in on me talking to their child with the wrong tone again.
That was just my Tuesday night and I survived.Wednesday, however, one upped Tuesday by adding on 2 unexpected events. First was Late Arrival day for the School Agers. So now there are more kids and we are trying to quickly get them over to the school age center as the 2nd and last picture was getting set up. Lucky me I got to be left alone with 11 kids, 7 of them school age (and me unfamiliar with them). I also at this time still didn't have my phone and couldn't check the time. And I didn't know when the other Pre-K kids were gonna be there. Instead I just had to do my best dealing with 5th graders who would leave the fenced area and fight over balls and say I was being unjust when I was doing the best I could with the rules I knew. (Sigh) It is needless to say I was grateful when I was able to take them inside with another teacher and to finally see my other co-worker show up with the other kids.
I only had my kids inside for 30ish minutes since it was time for the School Agers to go to school. In those 30 minutes I had also sent out an ice-pack and some water to my co-worker for one of the kids out there. Once I was able to rejoin her with the 4 Pre-K I had I find that two of the girls were sitting on the side. That was when I found out about the 2nd event. Apparently the girl who I had mentioned about last night pushed the other girl off the monkey bars.
I am in no way upset or angry with the girl. My heart more goes out to her wondering why it is she chooses to be aggressive. What is going on in her life that she feels the need to from time to time to be rough with the kids. I have prayed for her and the best answer I have gotten is no matter what she does, is to let her know she's loved. Dunno if I'll be able to reach her, but we'll see if me trying to be more tender and loving toward her will influence her to do better.
After work on Friday, Steven and I got to go see John Carter of Mars with our friends Jessica and Adam. Great movie. I really enjoyed it and it was good to see our friends since our games nights have been getting somewhat out of sync due to work schedules rearranging.
Saturday Steven and I got to help a member move to his new home. It went by quite quick since there were a lot of guys there. I was the only woman, so it was kinda fun lifting boxes and helping the guys out. I then took over cleaning the house by sweeping and vacuuming as the boxes all disappeared. The guys all seemed to be in competition with each other (who can do the most lifting/moving wise). Especially when we were unloading the last load. The guy had like.... 100 cases of soda! I accepted moving 2 cases at a time while the guys went from 2, to 3. Then the next guy had to do 4 and the next 5til finally one of them carried 8 cases for a few steps and then needed help cuz he couldn't see where he was going. I just smiled thinking boys are silly and that thankfully no one hurt their back because of it.
The guy who we helped move made a very delicious lazagnia! OH MAN!! It was crazy good and tons of it. He let us take some home... but since there was no paper plates or tupper ware for us to use/barrow, Steven decides to stuff our left overs and some extra into a sauce jar. So here's hoping getting it back out won't be too messy of a task.
After helping with the move Steven and I did some sock shopping and went to our friend Amilyn's home to hang out. While there Steven prepared the lesson he was to give in Priesthood while Amilyn and I chatted and ate some yummy cheese dip she made. Steven and I then dropped her off at work before heading home and realizing we were about to loose an hour that night (sigh). Kinda has my Sunday thrown off kilter, but so far it's been a good Sunday. Steven did well in his lesson and we're about to go to a member friend's house for dinner.
Again, as always, I hope everyone is doing well. For those who pray, if you could say a special blessing for the little girls, the one who had her elbow broken and the one who needs more love in her life, as well as a blessing for one of our church members who is a recent convert and struggling right now with what to believe and do. I feel they are in need of prayers and it would be wonderful if we can give them our support by doing that simple act.
<3 Meri
Later Tuesday night I was closing Preschool 2's class. Suddenly in walks one of the Pre-K kids and she's one of those kids who doesn't really listen well or follow rules much. She can be sweet no doubt! And she wants to be helpful, but suddenly she'll go from good to bad. I don't know why and I do my best to be patient and loving with her. Well when I see her walk in the room I use a firm voice and ask her, "Why are you in here?" She replies by saying she' looking for her doll. I not having been in the room most of the day, and since I work with her and haven't seen her with a doll assumed she was being silly and possibly walking out of her room with our my co-worker knowing her where abouts. So I sent her back.
30 minutes later the same girl walks right back into my room. Again I see she's alone and a little more exasperated (yet trying to maintain a firm voice) I ask again why she was in my room. I then get the answer from the hall outside my door, "Because her mother sent her in there to find her doll!" I was stunned at the fierceness of the woman tone. It took me by surprise, then I wondered if I raised my voice too much or if I did sound mean to her daughter. Whatever it was all I can say is I need to keep my tone in check. I wish I had thought of it then and explained to the mother that it was the second time that her daughter had entered the class I was in and I had no way of knowing if the teacher knew where she was (let alone if her mother was with her). But I didn't say that. I just apologized and helped look for the doll which turned out to be in one of the children's cubbies.
Later a co-worker asks what happened and I said exactly what I said and heard and admitted that I probably was a little more harsher sounding than I meant to be. Apparently the woman said I was being really rude. All I can say is whatever. I don't want to offend people, but I do have to consider that this woman doesn't know my position at the day care. I assume she might have thought I was the lead teacher in the preschool class and that maybe I was hiding the doll, let alone that my tone with her daughter was inappropriate. I for one am making sure my tone with the kids are more patient. I don't want to have another moment when a parent walks in on me talking to their child with the wrong tone again.
That was just my Tuesday night and I survived.Wednesday, however, one upped Tuesday by adding on 2 unexpected events. First was Late Arrival day for the School Agers. So now there are more kids and we are trying to quickly get them over to the school age center as the 2nd and last picture was getting set up. Lucky me I got to be left alone with 11 kids, 7 of them school age (and me unfamiliar with them). I also at this time still didn't have my phone and couldn't check the time. And I didn't know when the other Pre-K kids were gonna be there. Instead I just had to do my best dealing with 5th graders who would leave the fenced area and fight over balls and say I was being unjust when I was doing the best I could with the rules I knew. (Sigh) It is needless to say I was grateful when I was able to take them inside with another teacher and to finally see my other co-worker show up with the other kids.
I only had my kids inside for 30ish minutes since it was time for the School Agers to go to school. In those 30 minutes I had also sent out an ice-pack and some water to my co-worker for one of the kids out there. Once I was able to rejoin her with the 4 Pre-K I had I find that two of the girls were sitting on the side. That was when I found out about the 2nd event. Apparently the girl who I had mentioned about last night pushed the other girl off the monkey bars.
I am in no way upset or angry with the girl. My heart more goes out to her wondering why it is she chooses to be aggressive. What is going on in her life that she feels the need to from time to time to be rough with the kids. I have prayed for her and the best answer I have gotten is no matter what she does, is to let her know she's loved. Dunno if I'll be able to reach her, but we'll see if me trying to be more tender and loving toward her will influence her to do better.
After work on Friday, Steven and I got to go see John Carter of Mars with our friends Jessica and Adam. Great movie. I really enjoyed it and it was good to see our friends since our games nights have been getting somewhat out of sync due to work schedules rearranging.
Saturday Steven and I got to help a member move to his new home. It went by quite quick since there were a lot of guys there. I was the only woman, so it was kinda fun lifting boxes and helping the guys out. I then took over cleaning the house by sweeping and vacuuming as the boxes all disappeared. The guys all seemed to be in competition with each other (who can do the most lifting/moving wise). Especially when we were unloading the last load. The guy had like.... 100 cases of soda! I accepted moving 2 cases at a time while the guys went from 2, to 3. Then the next guy had to do 4 and the next 5til finally one of them carried 8 cases for a few steps and then needed help cuz he couldn't see where he was going. I just smiled thinking boys are silly and that thankfully no one hurt their back because of it.
The guy who we helped move made a very delicious lazagnia! OH MAN!! It was crazy good and tons of it. He let us take some home... but since there was no paper plates or tupper ware for us to use/barrow, Steven decides to stuff our left overs and some extra into a sauce jar. So here's hoping getting it back out won't be too messy of a task.
After helping with the move Steven and I did some sock shopping and went to our friend Amilyn's home to hang out. While there Steven prepared the lesson he was to give in Priesthood while Amilyn and I chatted and ate some yummy cheese dip she made. Steven and I then dropped her off at work before heading home and realizing we were about to loose an hour that night (sigh). Kinda has my Sunday thrown off kilter, but so far it's been a good Sunday. Steven did well in his lesson and we're about to go to a member friend's house for dinner.
Again, as always, I hope everyone is doing well. For those who pray, if you could say a special blessing for the little girls, the one who had her elbow broken and the one who needs more love in her life, as well as a blessing for one of our church members who is a recent convert and struggling right now with what to believe and do. I feel they are in need of prayers and it would be wonderful if we can give them our support by doing that simple act.
<3 Meri
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
#1 Teacher is ME!
I bet you guys thought I forgot all about you... probably not. But I am late in posting due to the internet not working last night (thanks a lot). Right now it seems to currently be working and so I'm going to try and make this a quick post.
Steven still is doing well at work. Things weren't as busy this week so he was able to work on some programming.
Work went well for me. I had another chance to be with the babies for extra time this week and did so much better! They switched me out once the 4th came, but I got no where near overwhelmed like I was last time.
I also got awarded by one of the teachers I work with as '#1 Teacher' because for once she felt someone actually cared about how her room runs and works. I also earned bonus bucks for working hard. I'm so grateful for the feed back because some of the time (if not most) I feel I'm not doing a good job since the kids don't all listen to me.
Then I lost my phone :) Who ever has it chose not to answer it, ever. So it's been a little weird being phoneless but I think tomorrow I'll be getting an exact copy of my old one (with the same number).
Unfortunately game night was cancelled due to things unexpectedly happening with the friends. I hope things are getting better for them and hope we'll be able to resume this week.
Steven enjoyed having some of his guy friend over to continue their roll playing game Saturday. That same day we got to go to a baptism. It was for one of the sisters I visit teach. It was a packed room! I got to lead the music which has a somewhat funny story. I mentioned in a previous post about how Steven and I had the missionaries over for dinner. So Thursday as I was home between my shifts at work I get a knock on the door. I answer and there were the missionaries. They looked at me bewildered and then they smile that kind of smile you make when you feel silly or awkward. They apologized for knocking and forgetting that Steven and I lived there. They were out knocking on doors and some how forgot that a week prior they were just there. They then asked if so-in-so got a hold of me to lead the music for the baptism. I said no, but since I already planned on being there and conducting it easy, I said I'd do it.
After the baptism I got me and Steven some DQ for dinner and dessert. We then spent the rest of the night eating and watching 'I Don't Know How She Does It' which was good enough. I really liked the message of Families Are Important.
It was Fast Sunday since it was the first Sunday of the month yesterday. Steven and I began our fast the night before and slept in to help preoccupy our minds from our empty stomachs. At church I was determined to bare my testimony and I did. It was probably my real first time of going up on my own (with the prompting of HF built up for the past 3 months). It was awesome. I shared with everyone my testimony of prayer. I got my job because of my diligence in fasting and praying for one and I recovered extraordinarily quickly from my bronchitis because of the blessing my father gave me. Sometimes HF doesn't answer quickly, but I know he's there and listens to me and loves me dearly, sometimes I wish he didn't test me on my patience.
Anyways, hope you all are going well. I miss you guys and hope to see or hear from you soon :)
Steven still is doing well at work. Things weren't as busy this week so he was able to work on some programming.
Work went well for me. I had another chance to be with the babies for extra time this week and did so much better! They switched me out once the 4th came, but I got no where near overwhelmed like I was last time.
I also got awarded by one of the teachers I work with as '#1 Teacher' because for once she felt someone actually cared about how her room runs and works. I also earned bonus bucks for working hard. I'm so grateful for the feed back because some of the time (if not most) I feel I'm not doing a good job since the kids don't all listen to me.
Then I lost my phone :) Who ever has it chose not to answer it, ever. So it's been a little weird being phoneless but I think tomorrow I'll be getting an exact copy of my old one (with the same number).
Unfortunately game night was cancelled due to things unexpectedly happening with the friends. I hope things are getting better for them and hope we'll be able to resume this week.
Steven enjoyed having some of his guy friend over to continue their roll playing game Saturday. That same day we got to go to a baptism. It was for one of the sisters I visit teach. It was a packed room! I got to lead the music which has a somewhat funny story. I mentioned in a previous post about how Steven and I had the missionaries over for dinner. So Thursday as I was home between my shifts at work I get a knock on the door. I answer and there were the missionaries. They looked at me bewildered and then they smile that kind of smile you make when you feel silly or awkward. They apologized for knocking and forgetting that Steven and I lived there. They were out knocking on doors and some how forgot that a week prior they were just there. They then asked if so-in-so got a hold of me to lead the music for the baptism. I said no, but since I already planned on being there and conducting it easy, I said I'd do it.
After the baptism I got me and Steven some DQ for dinner and dessert. We then spent the rest of the night eating and watching 'I Don't Know How She Does It' which was good enough. I really liked the message of Families Are Important.
It was Fast Sunday since it was the first Sunday of the month yesterday. Steven and I began our fast the night before and slept in to help preoccupy our minds from our empty stomachs. At church I was determined to bare my testimony and I did. It was probably my real first time of going up on my own (with the prompting of HF built up for the past 3 months). It was awesome. I shared with everyone my testimony of prayer. I got my job because of my diligence in fasting and praying for one and I recovered extraordinarily quickly from my bronchitis because of the blessing my father gave me. Sometimes HF doesn't answer quickly, but I know he's there and listens to me and loves me dearly, sometimes I wish he didn't test me on my patience.
Anyways, hope you all are going well. I miss you guys and hope to see or hear from you soon :)
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