Sunday, December 30, 2012

Meri Christmas!

Steven and I had a grand old with his parents for the holidays! We had safe travels and enjoyed playing in the snow there. We made it back just in time because the morning I woke up for work, the radio announced that the pass was requiring traction tires and had closed some roads completely! Not entirely sure why, but through the grape vine it sounded like they were blasting for avalanches and that it was really snowy.

The week went by very quick. I had three babies Thursday in which two of them sounded sick. I prayed for them that night and low and behold one of them had pneumonia which I found out from the father the following day. So Friday I only had 2 babies. And Steven came by and hung out with my for over an hour since I wasn't sure if I was going to lunch soon or getting VTO. After hanging out  for 30 minutes Steven went to ask what was to happen since he really had come to take the car to help my mom out at her work. He came back and said in 20 minutes I would be getting off. 40 minutes later I finally am relieved (and she too was stoked that there was only 2 babies there).

Then the weekend basically has consisted of playing games online with Jessica, seeing Amilyn after month of business, collecting and visiting with my brother and sisters and nephew, and celebrating Gabriel's birthday. Also over the weekend I posted the first chapter of a short story I've begun. You can either click on the Short Story link at the top of the page or click on this link (Alysin van Delia) and read it if you'd like.

Anyways, final post of 2012. I hope 2013 is another good year for you all :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

How We Survived the Apocalypse

What a busy week! I should have been preparing for Christmas 2 weeks ago! It wasn't until Monday that I was writing out my to-do list and realized for 3 days straight I had a very strict schedule to follow. Any variance from it and I would have had my head explode. Luckily all went smoothly and I was able to get all the gifts made, bought and packed for Friday.

Even the babies all week were amazingly content! Not perfect, but sure better than what I know could happen. The only thing that wasn't accomplished was Christmas cards (except for a very select few with no particular preference). I wanted to, but again, I shuld have begun preparing 2 weeks prior. Yay for procrastination.

So why did I have to get everything done by Friday? Well obviously that was the day the world was to end. But because I was suspicious that it was another one of those fake, apocalyptic, end of the world predictions, I made sure to check out what was going on in China since they are a day ahead of us.

In all serious now, Friday was the day Steven and I took off to go be with his family for Christmas. His parents, Steven and even I to a small degree were worried the pass was too snowy let alone since we were going to be arriving around 10pm at night that it might be to icy. Thankfully the passes were just right and the roads in Sandpoint were very clear. I didn't even have a problem driving down the slightly slushy road on the last stretch to Steven's parents home. I even backed up into the parking spot they carved out of the snow berms (<---- I learned that word from Steven!).

There's about 3-4 feet of snow here. Once Steven's mom drove us up the hill tot he house I hopped out of the car and Steven immediately tells me that he'd take in all the luggage if I wanted to romp around in the snow real quick. I said sure and immediately jumped into the mount of snow behind the car.  I thought the snow was more packed but soon found myself thigh high in snow. Super cold, but thank goodness for the boots my sister got me. I decided I probably shouldn't continue jumping in the snow until there was more light outside.

We saw the Hobbit yesterday and for those who haven't seen it yet, it's definitely worth watching! I love Peter Jackson and he does a great job in story telling. However my only 2 complaints are too much CGI acting and some choppy (inconsistent) scene changes. Other than that, the acting was great, and more humoring with very picturesque scenery (I so hope my mansion in heaven looks like Rivendale!). 

So since we didn't send out Christmas cards this year, here's a brief summary of what mine and Steven's year was like:

~We got sealed!
~Steven participated in Windows 8 inbox game development
~And Steven has converted me into playing DnD (Dungeons and Dragons, a role playing game that for years I had a hard time ever getting into. Maybe it's because we have a bunch of really good players that aren't too high strung on doing everything exactly to the book).

Yep, so those are the highlights I'd say. But if anyone truly wants to know whats been going on through out the year (especially in regards to what I'm doing) then just go check out the Weekly Updates tab and catch up on some reading... wait, that's what you all have been doing already.... right? ;) 

Anywho. Take care and have a very Meri Christmas!


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Made Our Christmas Tree

Steven had an interview Monday, but unfortunately didn't get the job. There was a good feeling about it, but I'm sure HF has something bigger and better in mind. Maybe it's time to look into more education? Maybe at the very last moment the job Steven's to have will come up. Maybe it'll be after another 2 or 3 contracts that Steven will get the job HF has in mind for him. We don't know, but we are praying that as long as we are doing what we should be doing, that all will work out in the end.

Work was stressful in the sense that I felt myself rippling under the crying. I hate how irritated I get with the babies when I am trying to meet all their needs in a timely manner but am met with one or the other or all 4 crying because I'm not giving them the attention they are needing at that very moment as I tend to another child's need. I know the frustration stems from me thinking the child purposely is being selfish, but I try to remind myself that that is their only way of communicating their needs to me and i just need to get faster and be more on top of their schedules that are forever evolving on a daily basis. Yet despite the hectickness of the crying and feeling like they were chastising me for being a lousy caregiver, there would be those glimpses of sanity as somehow I am able to calm the storm of tears and get everyone satisfied once more. I would even get some hugs from my oldest baby upon picking him up. The moment that stole my heart away this week was while feeding one of my fussier babies, he reached up and placed his hand on my cheek and proceeded to smile at me. I nuzzled my cheek in his hand and cherished the moment because I knew it wasn't to last for long.

This weekend was Stake Conference. Either I wasn't paying close enough attention or the speakers spoke on things that I felt I was already doing pretty well. One talked about the word of wisdom. However instead of talking about the obvious part of it (don't drink alcohol, coffee or tea, smoke or do drugs) but focused more on the other more subtle parts. Mainly the eating so you're nourished. how eating can be an addiction. I thought that was interesting he'd talk about that seeing that I've been thinking about that a lot myself. I've gotten a bit harsh with myself feeling I've been abusing this body HF has given me by continually eating things that makes me fat and unhealthy. I've been making big steps in the right direction to better follow the word of wisdom in that aspect, but it is still oh so confusing for my body craves foods that I know it should not want.

Anywho, on a happy note, I made a Christmas tree for me and Steven. It is very simple, but I feel it brings in the right amount of Christmas cheer into our home. I love it and so glad Anne helped me put it together since it was kinda a hassel assembling on the wall.

Wishing you all a great week!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Let the Good Cheer Season Begin

Well, this week has been relatively uneventful. Work is going great, Steven tomorrow will be going to a second interview from some programming job in Seattle. I will continue painting some Christmas cards and I'm hoping to make a Christmas tree this week, but we'll see how that goes.

For those who pray, if you would be so kind to my mother and grandpa in your prayers. They are recovering from surgeries they have had with in the past month or two and they seem to be taking longer to heal than anticipated.

Thanks for taking a moment to read this short note. I hope to report more next week. In the mean time, here's the start of another Christmas (or other celebrated holiday) season :)
