Sunday, August 25, 2013

It's Weeks Like This

Lately  for me it seems that something awesome or interesting to write about is happening about every other week. I try not to drone on with the same old, same old weekly things that I and Steven are up to, so when weeks like this come along where it was just church, work, and play, nothing being out of the ordinary, I tend to feel less inclined to write. I suppose I should try and figure out what else to write about in the mean time. If you have a suggestion as to something you'd like me to write about let me know and I'll try and use that in the next uneventful week I have.

I will leave saying that Steven and I are happy and healthy. Hope you all are doing the same :)


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Apollo Can Hunt

I wish I had a picture of what had happened, but last weekend I was outside dinking around with little Josh and while out there saw Apollo carrying a dead bird in his mouth. My initial thoughts were that he found a dead bird and decided to bring it home. So with that I figured I better check it to make sure it wasn't super old and rotten/diseased. He crouches down as I approach, as though he was trying to protect his 'catch' and as I reach down to grab the bird, I barely touch the feathers when suddenly I see TWO birds frantically flying away from Apollo, squawking the entire time. I was so stunned and surprised by what just left Apollo's mouth that I ran inside yelling to Steven about the awesome catch Apollo had. I could hardly believe that Apollo could hunt and catch a bird, let alone TWO! I'm sure he was quite upset with me for ruining all his hard work, but I'm sure the birds are thankful for me intervening. I do have to wonder how it was Apollo caught both of them... however it happened, it happened and it was quite awesome.

Other than that, I started my new job. I am a full time Nanny. It's been a great week and I love working with my baby girl. She's 3 months and has an older brother who goes to pre-school during the day. I've gone out once with baby girl and had fun getting oo'd and aw'd at. I look forward to the time when it's actually my baby people are awing at, but until then, I'll enjoy this little girl and her big brother. Her older brother is actually quite mellow for what preschoolers can be like, so that's super nice. I look forward to developing a better relationship with them and watching them grow.

I also got my first sunburn in a long time. Went to Ocean Shore's Monday with my friend Amilyn. It was sunny and warm and lots of fun playing in the endless ocean water and fighting the waves, but I forgot to reapply my sunscreen during our 3 hours of sunshine fun. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it sure was an unpleasant reminder to the efforts I've made over the years to never have to endure that pain and torture to my skin.

Hope everyone else is having a great week and enjoying the beautiful weather!


Sunday, August 4, 2013


Well, maybe more just a bad dream, but like I had mentioned last week I quite possibly have a new job. Actually the lady last Sunday night called and said, "We would like to hire you!" I'm excited and tomorrow is my working interview with her. So all week I've known I would be doing that and have had just a great week. Not that I was happy to be leaving my current job, I've honestly felt I've grown the most as a person and teacher while at the Giving Tree. The week itself was just simple and fun. So the fact I had a bad dream last night about my working interview tomorrow kinda threw me off this morning.

I dreamt that it was 7:30am Monday morning and knew I was running late for work, that is work at the Giving Tree. I check my phone and sure enough there's some missed calls from the Giving Tree. I call them and they ask me if I was coming in. I said yes and explained I was just running a little late. For some reason my parents were there and gave me a ride to work. It was about 8:05 when I got to work and as I walked it once more felt a wave of idiocy as I remember I don't start at 8 any more by 7:45. Well, that bit of forgetfulness was quickly forgotten about once I was in the Toddler room. My co-worker had a quizzical look on her face seeing me and though she never said anything, it hit me hard that today was the day I was suppose to be doing the working interview! I had the day off! Why was it I thought I had to go tot he Giving Tree and why did they call me to see if I was coming in!? Oh the agony of recognizing my error and worse yet is I didn't have a car I could just take off in while calling my soon to be new employer about my lateness.

I ended up calling the lady as I struggled to find quick transportation and in the end (despite my well chosen words to explain how sorry I was inconveniencing her like that and how it wasn't my character to make such a huge mistake) she explained how she's sorry this wasn't going to work out for her after all, but that because she did like me from the interview, that she'd be happy to write a positive review on my page.

By this time I wake up in a haze feeling very upset. How grateful I was to have reality seep back into me and realize it was just Sunday. So I'm kinda confused as to why I had such a terrible dream when I haven't been feeling stressed. Heh, maybe that is my mentality letting me know I am despite how much I've unknowingly suppressed it.

Anyways, that was the excitement of this morning. Like I said, it was a good week. My last day of work at the Giving Tree is this Friday the 9th. I'll have 4 days off before officially starting on the 14th (if nothing drastic happens at the working interview). I'll be a Nanny of 2 children. One is 4 and the other is just 3 months. I'll be the primary caregiver to the 3 month old since the 4 year old goes to pre-school 85% of the time, so it should work out nicely and I'm definitely looking forward to this next chapter in my life.

Hope everyone else has a great week!
