Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful Today, Thankful Always

It is Thanksgiving today and I feel I might as well post something. It's been a few weeks and I'm beginning to feel more bothersome as I send out the almost weekly email with nothing overly exciting. Finding myself developing more into a writer, I almost feel like I ought to have more exciting things going on in my life to write about. Right now I'm debating whether it's my own fault for not doing more exciting things or for not taking the mundane and utilizing my creative imagination and making it the most amazing thing ever!

Anyways, I am shifting my blogs slightly. Instead of the weekly updates, I'm going to do my best to 'journal' the important and interesting things that happen when they happen. This could be the end of the blog for that matter since I tend to get busy with other, not necessarily important, things. I hope it won't be, though it may seem it to some since I will not be sending out the weekly email anymore. I've been doing this for 1 and a half years and by now I would hope people remember how to find me. Maybe save the link for the blog from a past email.

Now back to the main intent for this post: Thanksgiving! I'm with Steven at his parents for Thanksgiving. Each and every year my family always would say at least one thing they're grateful for. Well I have many things to be thankful for this day and always (and this may or may not have been my facebook status update...). I'm alive, my parents are well and healthy, I have wonderful in-laws, I'm sealed to my loving husband, I have live in a comfortable home with good friends and two priesthood holders, all of my talents I've been blessed with, a job that I love and can't believe I get paid to have fun with next to zero stress, friends who accept all my zany, quirky, and quite possibly psychotic personality, and the gospel in my life that gives me meaning and direction.

I'm sure I forgot something like being thankful for Apollo or soft blankets that make sleeping so much more enjoyable, but like with counting your blessings, when I really think about it, there is a lot of things I'm grateful for and could probably write a novel about it complete with the reasons why. So be thankful I gave you all the foot notes ;)

Now as for a side note of this vacation, Steven's mother hands me a magazine for their town in Idaho. I haven't a clue what will catch my attention in it, but I flip through it since she seemed to think I would find something I'd like. Well, as luck would have it I saw a page talking about Allie Brosh, a blogger who has written quite a few funny blog posts (like this one!) and has compiled a book together of her blog posts. I discovered she and my husband went to the same high school. She graduated a year before Steven and even he's trying to figure out if he might have known Allie Brosh. Too bad he only kept his Senior Year book. That was probably the coolest thing to have happened lately next to almost being related to Rupert Grint (we're not, but for a moment their it looked like the Parker side of my family was).

Hope your Thanksgiving is going well and you're surrounded by loved ones! Remember, it's not just today we're thankful. Today is an opportunity to remember what we should already know.


Monday, November 4, 2013

New Phones

The awesome update of the week is Steven and I got new phones! Its the Samsung Galaxy sIII. We've joined the smartphone generation. So far it's been really nice. I basically upgraded my iPod to being able to make call and surf the web. If we haven't given you our new numbers, leave a comment or send and email and I'll be sure to forward it onto you :)