Sunday, January 29, 2012

Almost Got a Hair Cut

What a week!  As most of you know I got a job! That was probably the biggest event for me and Steven. I also got to share the same kind of joy with my friend Jessica since she too got hired. We're kinda on cloud 9 after months of searching.

I still have a cough that is just so annoying because I'm not really coughing up anything, but I feel like I have to clear my throat. Definitely makes sleeping a chore.

Friday I got to see my Chiropractor. Part of me wonders if it was a good thing or a bad thing. My neck feels like it's going through the with drawls. The doctor is trying to correct the curve in my neck and I think my neck is trying to go back to old habits which makes my neck kinda hurt. So not sure how to feel about that.

I was also gonna get my hair cut that day, but my stylist unfortunately had something come up. So I'm hoping this coming week I'll be able to get my hair taken care of, but we'll see.

Steven of course has been busy busy busy. He got a day of over time this week. So far for our weekend together he's helped with the laundry while I continue to work on the Mural at my mother's clinic. Plus it's super nice having company while I work.

Yesterday Steven and I went to a wedding reception for our church friends. It was fun sitting and looking around, seeing the happy couple and reminiscing on our wedding not so long ago. Steven of course says there was nothing to compare cuz our wedding was the best, but I enjoyed pointing out all the beautiful decor that had me slightly envious. I definitely was envious of their temple photos, but I keep telling myself I'll be getting those photo's too probably with in the year :) It was a beautiful reception and I think they will be a happy couple all their life.

Love you all and hope you're well!

<3 Meri

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