Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Steven's Been Approved

Last week on Wednesday Steven got to be interviewed for the Melchizedek Priesthood. He has been approved and now we are setting a date for him to receive it. I'm thinking it'll be the 2nd weekend in October, but we'll see. We are going to have his Dad perform the ordinance and we need to give him enough time to get time off. But we're excited because this is just one step closer to the temple!

Now in my head on my timeline, I assumed the 22nd and the 26th to be the dates Steven and I received our endowments and got sealed, but with Steven being ordained with the Melchizedek Priesthood here in a few weeks, it also sounds like we will be pushing that date up sooner too. The reason why I say that is because it sounds like the Bishop isn't all that concerned about us needing to take the temple prep classes before hand (which are staring in October). Not sure what to expect. I just want to make sure Steven's parents will have the time to come out and attend as well. Around Christmas I assume would be the easiest due to his mum having Winter Break and both parents should have 24th and 25th off.

I'm just so excited and I understand that this is one of those things that Steven and I need to plan to ourselves and choose the best times for us while the rest of the family will try and make it work with whatever times we choose... but I can't help but try to be considerate so I can have my family be there too.

Anywho, other than that excitement going on, Steven and I had an enjoyable weekend, well, I did. Steven had OT Saturday on a game he doesn't really like. If I was allowed to tell you what the game was, all you fans of this game would probably rip his throat out for complaining that he had to play a game he didn't like considering he didn't have to do the paper work and got lunch catered for him (let alone was being paid OT to just to play the game).

I on the other hand went for a bike ride with my mum. Apollo had another check up that day and it was the first Saturday since we've been trying to do this that one of us didn't have anything planned/illness happen. I also painted a tree on the dog room walk that I've been working on (sorry, been lame about the pictures for this one). After that, I tied Apollo into my bike's basket and my mum and I took off on the interurban trail. We only did 6 miles, but it was a nice doing that activity with my mum. We don't often plan things to do other than hang out at our homes and play games, so this was refreshing alternative from the usual.

The same day we also brought home buddies for Apollo! We are fostering two kittens, Tiger Lily and Whiskers (or the Wonder Twins). Apollo hated them, but finally they are getting along after a few days together which has us relieved that our kitty is actually warming up to other cats and not really becoming a dog.

Sunday night Steven and I got to enjoy the company of the Taylor's, Jessica, and Adam. I love the conversations that generate through us, making for good laughs. Let alone playing loaded questions with this room is amusing too.

Also, at church there were a few talks given about how to make general Conference more enjoyable for your kids. The key word that stuck out to me was tradition. So I'm setting a goal to figure out what my general conference traditions will be so that my family and friends may look forward to it with me. But we'll see how creative and fun I can be.

Love you all and take care. I'm off to conquer the day!

Monday, September 17, 2012


So last week was pretty awesome. That surprise I mentioned last week was my birthday! I'm half way to 48 now ^_^ This year I tried real hard to just keep quiet about it. I didn't want to make it a big deal because sometimes I feel it obligates people to give gifts. In all honesty I am 100% cool with a card or just saying happy birthday to me. But don't get me wrong, a gift is always appreciated!

My parents sent me a card that once you pulled the cat out you could hear kittens singing happy birthday to me. Apollo still isn't sure if he likes it or not...

That night I went to YW activities and made cupcakes with my beehives. It was fun decorating and I failed to take pictures of our creations, let alone the girl who used the excess red velvet batter to look like a zombie.

Once I got home Steven surprised me with flowers and Pad Thai for dinner. It was super yummy and the flowers were very pretty. Plus he said that we'd celebrate more once the weekend came.

Also all last week I've been pondering over a possible new position at work. The infant room was in need of a new teacher and all week I was filling in. My boss sat me down stating they were interviewing for the position but since I was the only other teacher there who was most familiar with the current babies, that if I was interested I could go in for the runnings. Once Friday rolled around I finally asked to go in for the runnings and took home all the necessary paper work to study up on.

Saturday Steven and I did some clothes shopping. He wanted to get some tanks and I got a new skirt and belt. The belt is probably my favorite because it now makes my wardrobe more versatile since it's a waist belt and not for keeping my pants up. Then that night we went to Jessica's house for some America's Next Top Model (ANTM), Pizza, and games. My other friend Jackie was able to join us too and whooped us hard on the Pokemon mini games.

Sunday, Emily and the Taylor's came over for some games since star wars was a no go. We shared Ascension with them, which is a Magic the Gather type of game. I also worked on making a mash up of two hymns. So far I have the chorus written. Now I just need to learn the other two songs and figure out how to blend them. Yes I'm being secretive because I do not want the online community to know of my brilliant plans until they are made and if it turns out amazing.

Now I know this post is made late, but another thing I began yesterday was trying to better keep the Sabbath holy. To some of you, you may think going online isn't bad, but for me I know it's a HUGE distraction and takes away from other wholesome things I could be doing to keep God in remembrance. Unfortunately my blog will take a small ding with that. I believe this to be a very good thing to do on Sunday, but alas, it is internet based and so I am going to try to start posting on Saturday. We will see how well I can shift my Sunday habit to Saturday and hopefully I won't leave to many of you waiting in anticipation for the next chapter of my life if I forget to post on Saturday.

Anywho, now back to what I mentioned earlier about bring home homework to study about the possible new position. Well I found out today that is is going out in the News Letter to all the parents that I am the new Infant teacher! I totally thought I'd have another week or two to prove myself against those they were possibly gonna interview. This is a huge amount of responsibility I've taken on and for now I believe I am still same pay, but that's cool considering I don't know if I am doing anything more exceptional than what I've already been doing. I would hope that in time if I am doing everything a lead teacher should be doing and going above and beyond that it'll reflect in my pay check. But for now, I'm super excited to be working with the babies! Daunting, yet rewarding ^_^

Take care! <3

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Circuit Training

Made the most cheesy video this week to help me work out. And when I say cheesy, I mean SUPER simple but set up so you can go at your own pace. No numbers to meet no pace to keep, just 90 second intervals in which you go at your own pace. It is a 30 minute work out and depending on how hard you push yourself the better (or more sore) you'll be.

So what inspired me to make this video? Why my awesome YW President/VT companion! We did an activity for the girls in which she put together a 30 minute work out while I made a nutrition lesson. While doing her work out, I realized how much my body hurt and I began to think, "Hmmm, I think I need to start incorporating some of these exercise into my work out regime."

At first I thought I'd have Steven program it so he could practice his programming skills, but then I realized I could just as easily use Movie Maker to throw together a video with all the right cues and times needed to get a work out. I also left it with out music so one can play their own in the back ground and not whatever cheese work out music I might like to listen too (but do note that the louder your music, the hard to hear my vocal ques as to when things are switching up). I'll post the vid at the end of the entry for those who want to watch the 33 minute video/work out to it (you might get really bored if you just watch it).

Anywho, other than that the week went by pretty well. The only unfortunate speed bump was me getting the stomach flu (or who knows what) the morning I got to open work. Of course I didn't know this until I was almost to work. By then it was already too late to try and call in sick because I was the opener and it was a miracle already that I was there on time. My phone, which was set perfectly (sound on, time correct, on the charger), decided not to go off. So it was a scramble to the morning routine, but I still got to work by 5:50am.

So now I'm in full swing of getting the morning things going/cleaned/filled/washed and the stomach pains are getting slightly worse. I was able to finish all the opening duties before the first set of kids came in. I put on a happy face because the last thing I wanted to do was make parents worried that they were leaving their children in the hands of someone ill. As soon as the parents left it was sit down, try to talk and chat with the kids while fighting what felt like cramps in my stomach (because the pain would come in waves. It'd be there real strong one moment, then gone the next giving some time to do something other than just sit still).

The next co worker shows up and I tell her what I'm experiencing and we both know right now all I can do is tough it out until management gets there and we figure out who can cover me. Well, lucky me (not really) 2 co-workers have already called in with reasons from what I heard were not very good reasons. I wish I knew the specifics, but I don't. But I don't hate them for it either. It was all just a huge inconvenient day. Not only was I sick, but 2 other co workers were hoping to get off early because one was getting married Saturday and the other I don't know what her reasons were. So as much as I want to be mad at the 2 who didn't come in, I wasn't. I think it was because I was able to stay in the baby room in which I didn't have to do a ton of active things while being with them. Just got to make sure they are fed, rested, clean, and happy as one can make a baby.

But even that room didn't stop me from throwing up. I know, gross! But I think that was exactly what my body needed. Unfortunately I wish it could have waited until the mother, who was coming in to drop her baby off, had gone. She walks in right as I'm straitening up, obviously seeing something's not right with me. I'm shaking, trying to wipe my eyes and putting a smile on out of complete embarrassment! "Are you okay?" She asked. I respond, "I'll live thankfully." "Do you need a moment?" "No, I think I just had it." I then explain to her that I'm just not feeling too good and that they (management) are going to send me home as soon as they can. Yet while I'm explaining this to her, I can't help but terrible that I, the sick girl, was left with her child. I'm most grateful though that this mother was very understanding and wished me well. I can only hope she knew how much I didn't want to get her child sick nor was there anyone else able to be in the room with the babies as long as they needed for that day.

I expected I would be working my full shift just because there wasn't any possible way to put someone in here who wasn't more needed else where. Yet somehow I was able to get of at 1:30. Boy I went home and crashed. My stomach was still cramping, but I never got back to that needing to puke moment like I did that morning. I probably would have slept late into the night if the heat in the house didn't wake me up @ 5:30. My whole body ached with fatigue, yet drowning in my own sweat wasn't fun either. I was somehow able to get out of bed and turn the fan on. I later take my temp and find that I was 100.4. Half due to being sick, half due to the house being way too hot.

So again, I think it was just the stomach flu because by Saturday morning I was worlds better. Still wiped out, but I had an appetite and the fever was gone.

Well I sure can't wait for this week. It's the most awesomest week ever! I suppose some of you may know why, but for the rest of you.... well you're just gonna have to find out next week what is gonna make this week so awesome.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

I Have Written My First Book!

This week was pretty awesome. The weather has been just right! Warm enough to enjoy lots of swimming but not so hot that Steven and I felt like we were melting in our home. Also all week been looking forward to  the 3 day weekend (thank you Labor Day!).

So Monday I had my first YW (Young Women) Presidency meeting. It was interesting being on the other end. It was so much nicer being the YW who just went and sometimes helped plan activities. Now I get to plan a short lesson for our activity this Wednesday and do my best to make sure all my girls are feeling included and loved.

Tuesday I got to hang out with my high school friend, Bill. He's been studying in San Diego and his absence has been missed. We did one of our favorite things, biking to the mall via the BPA trail. It was a very long bike ride full of hills, but it was well worth the shopping at Claire's, BBQ Pork stick and Hom Bow, sushi and Menchi's frozen yogurt. 13 miles in all in a total of 80 minutes.

The work week thankfully went by really well. I was only stressed one day and that was Friday morning. I was being the Preschool 1 Assistant teacher for the day and I didn't know the lead teach switched with another co-worker meaning she was coming in 45 minutes later. That had me loosing my head slightly because the boys (all 8 of the 11 kids I had) were being incredibly rambunctious. I tried giving them an activity to do so I could focus on diapers, but they could not entertain themselves for 5 minutes. So I scratched diapers in favor of saving the room and began to bribe them with candy if they participated in dancing and story time. That worked for barely one story. Luckily by then another co-worker came in and began diapers and by the time the lead teacher got there I had finished the one story.

Thankfully after that, they all got real good because someone they knew much better than me was now there. They even slept really good! Only 5 woke up by 2:30 and the rest we had to just go wake up since snack was on it's way soon.

Then that night I was able to have Emily, Ann and JJ come over for some swimming and games. Unfortunately my sinuses decided to be stuffed up so swimming wasn't as fun as I would have liked it to be, but I hung out until I got too cold just standing in the water. Later Ann whooped us at Nerts and Egyptian Rat Screw.

Saturday was our ward picnic at Mar Vista park. I only went for some of it (like an hour) before going to Seattle to meet up with more high school friends. I also had Apollo tag along for the ride. He did incredibly good for his second trip out of the house for more than 5 hours. Plus I was surprised how much of a show stopper he was. Some people wanted to take pictures and were amazed by this cat in a front pack and leash. I suppose it's not every day you see someone out and about with their cat, but it felt like people were seeing a cat for the first time. But why am I complaining? I loved the attention!

Me and my friends walked around Pike Place for a little bit before going back to the Mall (WestField?) to grab a bite to eat from the food court. I ended up being the first person outside with their food since Apollo began to smell stinky making me worried he pooped in his bag. Actually there's a funny story about that. I was in Godiva getting my free truffle for the month when I noticed the smell. I was already at the check out stand trying to fish for my Godiva card as fast as I could since I wasn't the only person in line and didn't want to offend anyone by the smell I was smelling. Then the cashier says,"Something smell..." (oh dear), "good!" I of course am like, really? He looks back at me and says, "I think it's you," and smiles. I'm sure my face was saying what I was thinking, are you serious or are you being impeccable polite?  He then says it smells floral like. I smile and just shake my head responding finally, "That's interesting. Wouldn't know how that could be." Finally the card was swiped and I had my things and was fleeing from the store hoping to get outside before truly being discovered.

Luckily he hadn't made a mess in his bag. But it was nice to take him out of the bag and let him wander in the garden box thing attached to the bench I found. Soon everyone else joined me and we enjoyed chatting for a while before all of us needing to go home. I am glad to still have friends from high school in which I can enjoy their company ever so often together.

So after getting home last night, I was able to take this idea I figured out from work this week and make it into a children's book. I continually find frustrations while working with the babies, especially since they don't understand basic concepts like, that hurts them when you hit, scratch, bite, poke them (just to name a few).  Plus I wanted to write a simple story that hopefully with be engaging and somewhat humoring to the parents/teachers who may currently be experiencing the same frustrations. Now the kicker is, if you want more details about what I've written, well you should email me asking for a description because I am guarding this story since it could quite possibly be one I could publish :D I now just need to create the illustrations (which will be a chore of it's own since I will have to recreate the same 3 characters 16+ times with environment and facial expressions to convey the emotion and humor I envision).

Anywho, getting ready to break the fast! Hope everyone is doing well!!
