Sunday, September 9, 2012

Circuit Training

Made the most cheesy video this week to help me work out. And when I say cheesy, I mean SUPER simple but set up so you can go at your own pace. No numbers to meet no pace to keep, just 90 second intervals in which you go at your own pace. It is a 30 minute work out and depending on how hard you push yourself the better (or more sore) you'll be.

So what inspired me to make this video? Why my awesome YW President/VT companion! We did an activity for the girls in which she put together a 30 minute work out while I made a nutrition lesson. While doing her work out, I realized how much my body hurt and I began to think, "Hmmm, I think I need to start incorporating some of these exercise into my work out regime."

At first I thought I'd have Steven program it so he could practice his programming skills, but then I realized I could just as easily use Movie Maker to throw together a video with all the right cues and times needed to get a work out. I also left it with out music so one can play their own in the back ground and not whatever cheese work out music I might like to listen too (but do note that the louder your music, the hard to hear my vocal ques as to when things are switching up). I'll post the vid at the end of the entry for those who want to watch the 33 minute video/work out to it (you might get really bored if you just watch it).

Anywho, other than that the week went by pretty well. The only unfortunate speed bump was me getting the stomach flu (or who knows what) the morning I got to open work. Of course I didn't know this until I was almost to work. By then it was already too late to try and call in sick because I was the opener and it was a miracle already that I was there on time. My phone, which was set perfectly (sound on, time correct, on the charger), decided not to go off. So it was a scramble to the morning routine, but I still got to work by 5:50am.

So now I'm in full swing of getting the morning things going/cleaned/filled/washed and the stomach pains are getting slightly worse. I was able to finish all the opening duties before the first set of kids came in. I put on a happy face because the last thing I wanted to do was make parents worried that they were leaving their children in the hands of someone ill. As soon as the parents left it was sit down, try to talk and chat with the kids while fighting what felt like cramps in my stomach (because the pain would come in waves. It'd be there real strong one moment, then gone the next giving some time to do something other than just sit still).

The next co worker shows up and I tell her what I'm experiencing and we both know right now all I can do is tough it out until management gets there and we figure out who can cover me. Well, lucky me (not really) 2 co-workers have already called in with reasons from what I heard were not very good reasons. I wish I knew the specifics, but I don't. But I don't hate them for it either. It was all just a huge inconvenient day. Not only was I sick, but 2 other co workers were hoping to get off early because one was getting married Saturday and the other I don't know what her reasons were. So as much as I want to be mad at the 2 who didn't come in, I wasn't. I think it was because I was able to stay in the baby room in which I didn't have to do a ton of active things while being with them. Just got to make sure they are fed, rested, clean, and happy as one can make a baby.

But even that room didn't stop me from throwing up. I know, gross! But I think that was exactly what my body needed. Unfortunately I wish it could have waited until the mother, who was coming in to drop her baby off, had gone. She walks in right as I'm straitening up, obviously seeing something's not right with me. I'm shaking, trying to wipe my eyes and putting a smile on out of complete embarrassment! "Are you okay?" She asked. I respond, "I'll live thankfully." "Do you need a moment?" "No, I think I just had it." I then explain to her that I'm just not feeling too good and that they (management) are going to send me home as soon as they can. Yet while I'm explaining this to her, I can't help but terrible that I, the sick girl, was left with her child. I'm most grateful though that this mother was very understanding and wished me well. I can only hope she knew how much I didn't want to get her child sick nor was there anyone else able to be in the room with the babies as long as they needed for that day.

I expected I would be working my full shift just because there wasn't any possible way to put someone in here who wasn't more needed else where. Yet somehow I was able to get of at 1:30. Boy I went home and crashed. My stomach was still cramping, but I never got back to that needing to puke moment like I did that morning. I probably would have slept late into the night if the heat in the house didn't wake me up @ 5:30. My whole body ached with fatigue, yet drowning in my own sweat wasn't fun either. I was somehow able to get out of bed and turn the fan on. I later take my temp and find that I was 100.4. Half due to being sick, half due to the house being way too hot.

So again, I think it was just the stomach flu because by Saturday morning I was worlds better. Still wiped out, but I had an appetite and the fever was gone.

Well I sure can't wait for this week. It's the most awesomest week ever! I suppose some of you may know why, but for the rest of you.... well you're just gonna have to find out next week what is gonna make this week so awesome.


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your better. It makes me feel sick just hearing your description.

    Nice idea on your workout. Anything to make it all easier. It is pretty boring to watch, but you you have a nice voice.
