Sunday, January 13, 2013

Morning Sickness

Nope, not the pregnant kind (though I totally had another pregnant dream last night in which the child magically was a puppy....). Since Tuesday I've been waking up with head pressure, mild sore throat, mildly stuffed nose (with no mucus...) and coughing! My mid day everything except the cough is gone. It's kinda annoying because my mornings are already hard enough with just getting out of bed on time.

But despite my coughs and groggy soreness, I've been able to have a decent week at work. The numbers have been low due to my babies being sick and each taking turns, but I anticipate a full week this week of 4 babies. If I'm lucky, they will be feeling well enough to not be cranky. But I suppose I'll find out tomorrow.

Steven unfortunately hasn't received an offer yet from Microsoft again... so quite possibly there's another month for him of unemployment. Hopefully during this time of job searching still a better job will pop up, but in the mean time, we're doing fine. I'm very grateful to be employed.

And on other thing I've been doing this week is I've finished the 3rd chapter of a new story I'm writing. It's a dark story, but I love it. The best part is I have a clear vision of it and in 7 more weeks it will be complete (if I don't sit and do more writing besides once a week). You'd like to read the first 3 chapters and read a description of the story, either click on the Short Stories link at the top of the page or click HERE.

Enjoy your week!


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