Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Busy 3 Weeks

I don't know if I'll be able to get every juicy detail typed out in the 50 minutes I have left on this Library computer, but let me just say it's been a busy 3 weeks.

So first thing that happened was June 17th, Steven and I continued our car search. We had done some searching on the 15th before I got my hair done, but I wasn't too thrilled about the car. So as soon as I got off of work I picked Steven up and zipped off to Everett to check this other car Steven saw online. Both of us were less than impressed with it. But since we had more time, we looked around and found one that suited our needs. It drove well and they were giving us a discounted price. Long story short, by Tuesday morning we had a new car. It's a Kia Rondo 2007. It had just under 72000 miles on it and we were super happy to show it off. It was kinda funny too because I was the one who gets to drive it most, so now on the weekends Steven has been doing more than his share of driving us around.

The nice thing about getting the car on the 18th was we had the Dirty Dash on the 22nd. It was a hot day, but we needn't fear for we had AC! But enough about the car. The Dirty Dash was pretty much the same as last year. The obstacles were slightly rearranged and had a few more fun stuff added (like a bubble tunnel). And instead of it being just me this year, I had my sister Emily, Steven and some of his friends join me. We played around with some team names like Free Hugs, but decided to go with Uruk-Hai. They are the orcs the Sarumon from Lord of the Rings raised up to make an army. Orcs are born from mud. And we decorated our faces with a white hand print (or 2). Unfortunately the white paint sweated off as soon as the running began :( Fortunately, it all came off in time for my interview that night.

So another round of getting muddy. It took us 2 hours! to get through. I was literally pushing those who carpooled with me and Steven and get rinsed off, changed and in the car since I had an interview at 6pm and it was just after 2:30pm. Another long story short, I made it home in time to clean up and be presentable for an interview as well as get stuck in traffic and still make the interview a few minutes early. The people were very nice. I had mentioned Steven was driving me to the interview since we hoped he'd be able to run an errand depending on how long the interview was to last. Upon showing up they insisted he come in. This was a Nanny position I was interviewing for and found out they both work for Microsoft. Steven ended up chatting with the dad a litle later while I, the mom and the baby continued to interact with each other. I felt the interview went very well and had high hopes to hearing back almost immediately.

Well, I did hear back, and for over the past week and a half it sounded very promising. But the move then happened on the 29th which put a small hic cup in the communication. We no longer reside off of 208th any more. Instead we are pretty much at the top of Lake Washington now and love our new area. It's so pretty up here and look forward tot he next year in our new home. However the commute will be long until I get a job closer to home. If only I knew how much longer it would become, maybe I would have taken a different route home that day...

So in case that didn't hint at it, I was in a car accident on the 1st. I was re-ended and thankfully have not sustained any injury from it. I honestly haven't a clue why I was hit because I was going with the flow of traffic, didn't break before or after the hit considering how I was propelled forward from the impact and still didn't hit any car in front of me. I had been traveling in the lane for 5-10 minutes anyways. At least the guy who hit me was honest. As much as I wish we didn't have to report it (sounds like this would be his 3rd strike) we had to and thankfully we did because we've heard rumors that the car may be totaled. All I can say is pray for John O'Brien that mercy will be showed upon him or that he'll find another way to provide for his family. With how the insurance company has been handling this, John has continued to be honest and I would wish him blessings for that.

My compute went from 45 minutes one way to 2-2 1/2 hours one way. about an hour of bus time and 30-70 minutes walking time. I have a great respect for the pioneers who walked for months straight 4+miles a day. My legs were soar and aching and sleep has been too short and that's only with 3.5 miles walked and a soft comfy bed at night to sleep in.

Back to the job interveiw. Despite the long week, Wednesday I recieved an email from them stating basically that they want me and that they'd like to chat one more time on the phone. Pretty much the ball was in my court to say yes or no. We decided to chat friday once I was off work. Lucky me, I got off at 10:30. So an horu later I got to chat with the mother who regretfully informed me of some not so good news. They have relatives moving in who want to help them watch their child. Understandable that'll save them money. She also feels bad to deliver that news and understands that going from full time to part time is probably not what I'm looking forward, though if I were willing to work part time that she'd be thrilled to have me since she says I seemed very professional. She also offered to put a recommendation in at the Parent board in Microsoft which I said yes to. So though I don't have a new job quite yet, I have some more networking and hopefully by August or September I'll have a full time Nanny job with one or 2 children.

That's what's been going on these past 3 weeks. Steven and I are happy and well. Like I mentioned before, I would appreciate for those of you who would, keep John O'Brien in your prayers.


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