Sunday, October 13, 2013

Blame it on the Lazy

Yikes! Has it really been  month since my last post! Well, I'm sure there's something AMAZING I've done since we last talked... let see... oh! I'm still employed, which is always good, and Steven has survived 4+ weeks of over time. He has a break this week from it, but it sounds like it'll be back once more.

I've canned green beans with my mom and dad. A new baby is in the house. Our roommates had a baby boy on the 23rd of September. He's cute as can be and was another injection of baby fever for me. But that's subsided some. Steven and I cannot say we're expecting still, but I suppose if HF wants it to be, it'll happen. In the mean time I really should be thankful to be able to sleep a full night's sleep and continue to save what money we can (not that it'll be much especially once we're both paying for our health insurance).

I've also been working on some art. Here's pieces of what I will be making into a giant picture in about another month or two.

She will be leaning against something.

They are characters from the D&D game Steven and I have been playing. In fact, the red looking one if Steven's! My character has art work for her, but I have a different one I'm making for this particular project I'm doing.

Steven and I also received a new calling. I had been the visiting teacher supervisor (if I hadn't mentioned that back in August) for almost a full month when Steven and I were called to teach in Primary. We get to teach one of the two CTR 4 classes. We taught 2 weeks ago, had General Conference last week, then taught again today. Primary program is coming up and it'll be interesting seeing how well our batch of 4-5 year olds do (let alone us making sure we help them do their part correctly XD). But for now, we're enjoying team teaching together. It's really nice serving with Steven because one I'm comfortable to with him and two, he's actually a really good teacher :)

So that about sums up the excitement from the last 4 weeks. I'm sure I forgot something, but I suppose that's my own fault for not staying on top of writing here.

Take care!


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