Friday, April 25, 2014

Writing Writing Writing!

You'd think I'd given up on this blog. For those of you who do check, yes I've slacked off greatly! I have allowed myself to stop journaling about the interesting things going on with me and Steven. I could make an excuse and say nothing exciting has happened, but that's just me being unimaginative.

In actuality, something had been happening. I've been excessively writing. It's been well over a year of constant, daily writing. Whether it be a post on Facebook, an email to someone or the constant catch up work on my stories, I've been writing! But there's good news. I know I'm not the best of writers, but I have seen marked improvement to what I've written a year ago. Heck, if you click on an old post of mine here, and compared it to this post, I would imagine you'd agree. Perhaps by next year I'll be even better while this post become blatantly amateur.

Before I close, I'll let it be known that life is well. I've been slacking on my health some, but my nagging inner voice is finally kicking my butt back into gear. Lately I've been working out very regularly and have become a plain Jane on my diet. I'm eating yummy foods still, but I have limited my variety so as to help me focus and not get into the rut of 'what should I eat' (which more often then not lead to eating unhealthy). Steven is on the job hunt seeing his 100 day break is coming to an end. We hope he'll be hired back on with Mircosoft, but we're making sure we're not completely reliant on that. In the mean time, I'm making the bread for the family and he's been keeping the place clean (or at least as clean as one can when one of their housemates is a toddler).

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