Sunday, June 10, 2012

I Won A Gift Basket!

This week was kinda slow, yet really fast.

Wednesday was a bit exciting. I had an impromptu day off due to low numbers at work (children wise). So I set about shopping, doing laundry, exercising, and picking up a giant gift basket that I won! I entered into a raffle by chance. A man had donated money and I was giving him his raffle ticket to fill out but he said I could have it. I thought, 'why not?' and filled the ticket out. Low and behold I won! Now I have some Mary Kay products and a 50$ gift certificate for Mary Kay products. Plus some wine which I gave one bottle away and hanging on to the second in case a good recipe comes along.

Friday, Steven and I had our game night with Jessica and Adam, this time we had my sister, Emily, over and her friends Ann and JJ. I had gotten a new game called Loaded Questions which I thought was really fun with the big group of us.

Yesterday was the Stake Luau/Picnic in which I took Jackie with me and Steven for our get together.

Oh man, despite all the tempting food there, Steven convinced me that if I was good there, I'd get Pad Tai later. So I avoided the cookies, and a tiny scope of potato salad, and avoided everything else filled with carbs. I enjoyed my kalua pig, salads, fruit, and diet soda. Okay, I also had two of my whole wheat cookies. They were tiny and had dark chocolate chunks in them. So a better option compare to the other choices for desserts. It was humoring though to watch a few kids take a handful of my whole wheat cookies. I think they though they were dark in color due to more chocolate. I hope they liked them despite the more bitter taste and texture.

After the Luau, Jackie went home and Steven and I ended up hanging around our place. We were going to do Pad Tai, but with Steven feeling tired and seeming lack luster about the idea, and I feeling tired and knowing I really shouldn't eat Pad Tai yet, opted to stay home. Steven says he owes me, but we'll see if he remembers.

So it's been one whole week of the medication for my diabetes. I've been doing pretty good. today is 111, but I'm happy with that because my numbers have stabilized. earlier in the week it was a roller coaster of a really good number, then a number slightly high, back to a really good number, back to a high number. But the past 3 days have been good: 99, 101, 111. So here's hoping for an easy day of good choices and not self pity of all the bad choices I love and shouldn't eat.

Take care everyone and here's the garden!

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