Sunday, March 31, 2013

Almost Cured

The best news of the week was Tuesday afternoon. Monday I had gone in for my A1C blood test and though I could have gotten it that day, the clinic was so busy and packed that I opted to call tomorrow. Tuesday, while on my lunch, I gave the doctor a call to see how my levels are. First off, I was feeling like I was going to have the same or have gone back up because I knew the holidays I was being particularly bad, but as of 5 1/2 weeks ago, I've given up sugar and joined a gym in which has helped motivate me to continue to get more active. But that had only been a month and a half of change, hence my hopeless approach to the results seeing I had another month and a half of being bad with my diet to make up for.

Well, as luck would have it, my efforts have paid off greatly! I was a 6.5! So I'm still diabetic from what I've researched (just now) but I'm practically in the prediabetic range. At first I thought the scale from healthy to diabetic was 6.5-10.5. 6.5 was suppose to be the normal healthy person. Any where in between was to be prediabetic and 10.5 or higher was to be obviously diabetic. Well I know a bit better now. Even if I was 'cured' I know I am still diabetic. It would just mean that through diet and excersis I was healthy. If I stop that, then I will be diabetic once more.

Hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful Easter Day like we are. It is just a perfect day for the resurrection of our Savior. Tonight Steven and I will enjoy the missionaries and friends for and Easter dinner and play some games afterwards.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Random Act of Service

This week I got to give service to someone while least expected. I had gone to Fred Meyer to get a few things and as I headed out of the parking lot notice a woman trying to carry a few bags that seemed quite heavy. I didn't question the situation, I just knew I ought to ask if she could use a ride. She was very grateful by this unexpected bit of fortune. She got into the car and I was able to understand Federal Way with the thick accent and few English words as she attempted to speak to me. I did my best to tell her what I was doing and gestured to her whether I needed to turn right or left whenever a intersection was coming up.

I got her to her apartment just fine and once more she thanked me and I wished her a great rest of the day. Grant it, we couldn't communicate perfectly, but it was touching to me how this woman trusted the kindness of a stranger who could speak her language to help her home. If I was in her situation, I don't know what I'd think. I am overly cautious and doubt I would put much faith into a stranger unless it were an answer to a prayer if I was in need of assistance. I'm grateful I had that opportunity and though I'll probably never see her again, it was wonderful to know I was able to make someone's day that much more happy.

Also this week, I got my hair cut! I'm in short hair once more ^_^

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Working Out

This week has been busy! I've been working out after work and with that have been literally gone from home 12+ hours a day now! The weekend has been really short. But with the added work out, I've also stopped eating sugar. I'm treating it like an addiction because chocolate is my drug. I love it too much and all the sugary things out there! There really is no self control. I can be good for a while, but then I sucome to my carnal self. Finally fed up with feeling unhealthy and icky, I have sobered up and haven't had sugar or chocolate in over 2 weeks! I feel great, especially with working out on top of it.

So what do I eat? Especially for someone with a huge sweet tooth as myself. I only let sugar free jello be my go too dessert, sweet treat. I sometimes feel I could pig out on them, but in honesty, I may eat two servings and call it good for many days just cuz I bore of jello quick. I also have been trying to keep strawberries and peaches around because those are the better fruits for me. I've also found some fruit snacks that are all fruit and are a nice treat in those moments when I feel weak. Plus I've also been eating 90% more whole grains with every meal. I haven't completely forbidden white bread and rice from my diet, but its more a last resort or if someone prepared a meal with white flour or rice in it.

My blood sugar has been really good too, so confirmation on what I'm doing currently must be good :)

Anywho, another busy week of working out, going to work, doing church activities, and preparing my lessons for Sunday. Steven says he's the busier guy, but he just goes to work and rides a bus home... so don't let him make you think otherwise ;) Love you all!


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Another Story Complete!

I'm sorry for not posting last week. I was slammed with church, cooking, visiting teaching, home teaching, feeding the missionaries, and game night. I think the worst of it was the cooking. Steven and I have been making meals for our lunches and freezing them. So he had suggested Saturday that we cook some meals to last us a couple weeks. However since we were going to be going to a friends that night and we'd be close to Winco, I said we'd cook Sunday after church and before game night. 4 hours should be reasonable enough right?

Well Sunday comes and as we leave church I am then reminded about that Steven and I are feeding the missionaries, that I had already planned a VT appointment at 1 and our home teachers want to come over. So long story short once church was over it was non stop go, go, go! The sad part was it continued into Monday. But at least our freezer if full now and Steven and I can enjoy a few weeks of quick lunches.

I also finished my story of Alysin van Delia. I am now going to be editing it and making the final illustration for it over the next few weeks. Once I finish that, I hope to be able to publish it via Amazon, but we'll see what happens.

Other than the business of our weekend last week, works been going good for us. We have been in good health and I began to go to a gym Saturday. Though with church responsibilities, this week and the weeks to come will continually have me quite busy.

Speaking of church responsibilities, Steven today was called to be the 1st counselor for the young men. This will be fun because now Steven and I will both have to go to mutual together on Wednesday nights.

Take care until next week!
