The best news of the week was Tuesday afternoon. Monday I had gone in for my A1C blood test and though I could have gotten it that day, the clinic was so busy and packed that I opted to call tomorrow. Tuesday, while on my lunch, I gave the doctor a call to see how my levels are. First off, I was feeling like I was going to have the same or have gone back up because I knew the holidays I was being particularly bad, but as of 5 1/2 weeks ago, I've given up sugar and joined a gym in which has helped motivate me to continue to get more active. But that had only been a month and a half of change, hence my hopeless approach to the results seeing I had another month and a half of being bad with my diet to make up for.
Well, as luck would have it, my efforts have paid off greatly! I was a 6.5! So I'm still diabetic from what I've researched (just now) but I'm practically in the prediabetic range. At first I thought the scale from healthy to diabetic was 6.5-10.5. 6.5 was suppose to be the normal healthy person. Any where in between was to be prediabetic and 10.5 or higher was to be obviously diabetic. Well I know a bit better now. Even if I was 'cured' I know I am still diabetic. It would just mean that through diet and excersis I was healthy. If I stop that, then I will be diabetic once more.
Hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful Easter Day like we are. It is just a perfect day for the resurrection of our Savior. Tonight Steven and I will enjoy the missionaries and friends for and Easter dinner and play some games afterwards.
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